Cool Hostess Gift and Creamsicle Drink for Your Memorial Day Party

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Creamsicle drink
It’s totally pouring rain here so I think we all need a fun drink!
Creamsicle Drink:
  • Full glass of ice
  • 2 oz Whipped Cream Vodka
  • Orange soda of choice or orange seltzer
  • Add a splash of cream or whipped cream.  Whipped cream has hardly any calories so go for it – live a little ;).  It will not disappoint.

What do you get?  Something that tastes like an old school creamsicle!

Creamsicle® Bar
Creamsicle® Bar

Hostess Gift:

If you are like most of my friends we love Prosecco!  This is super cool and delicious for the next time you need a gift.

  • Prosecco of choice- this is mine (see pic)-  I drink lots and lots of this😬
  • A tiny pour of  Pear Rosemary by Root 23 (I found this simple syrup at a local grocer).
  • Serve chilled in a champagne glass.

Give them both in a cute bag with handwritten directions.  Done.  I have a magnum of Prosecco.  It’s fine to give the regular size too.  But, if you are really going for the cool factor – go big!  This is a gift for some of my party hosts this Memorial Day Weekend!  They won’t be mad if they get more than one I promise!
la marca label


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