Bacon Avocado Egg Bomb…is the Bomb

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Talk about a delicious and mostly healthy breakfast!  The Bacon Avocado Egg Bomb is something you have to try at least once –  and then I’m pretty sure it won’t be the last time you make it.
Ingredients are simple; 1  egg, 1 avocado and 2 slices of bacon*
*You can substitute turkey bacon, but you will need 3 – 4 pieces for one egg bomb and I should warn you that it is a little trickier to wrap and cook.

Directions:  (youtube video attached at the end of this post)
  • Boil 1 egg approximately 6 minutes (depending on your egg preference.)  This will leave it slightly runny.  Immerse in a bowl of ice water for approximately 1-2 minutes.


  • Slice the avocado in half.  Remove the skin and the pit.  If the pit wasn’t exceptionally big, you may need to spoon out a little more avocado to fit the egg.


  • Place the chilled egg inside the avocado and press the two halves of the avocado back together.



  • Wrap the two slices of bacon around the avocado (see video at the end of this post) and pan sear until the bacon is cooked.  Be attentive and turn frequently so the bacon cooks evenly.



  • Once the bacon is cooked to your preference, remove from pan, slice in half, and enjoy!


This gives you protein, your healthy fat of the avocado, and well I’m not going to sugarcoat this – it’s bacon so you have your unhealthy fat too.  You could totally use turkey bacon if you want to keep it healthy – yawn!   But as I mentioned, it’s a little tricky to wrap the avocado and keep it on while cooking. The flavor was great though, it might just not look as pretty as the real deal.
My husband and I split this, so really we only had 1/2 of an avocado, 1 slice of bacon and 1/2 of an egg.  I recommend boiling 1 – 2 extra eggs if you prefer a more protein-friendly breakfast.  Half of this Bacon Avocado Egg Bomb will go a long way for the morning.
This video was created by Signewantz and is available on You Tube at :

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One Response

  1. […] gain over the holidays!  So, instead eat an egg and avocado with toast.  Or  better yet, try the bacon avocado egg bomb (with turkey bacon) that we posted about earlier this […]