Get the Benefits of Maca in This Delicious Smoothie

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Last week, on a search for recipes with maca powder, I found this “Hormone Balancing Almond, Maca & Cinnamon Smoothie” on Pinterest posted by Wallflower Kitchen.  I made it and am excited to share it!  I feel like my hormones were out of whack so I thought what the heck – why not try it?  It was delish! I loved it!   I decided I would have one a day for a week to really see if it evens out my moods.  Ingredients shown below:

Wait, what is Maca?  Maca powder is a superfood that originates in the Peruvian Andes and grows at altitudes starting at  11,000 ft. in harsh conditions.  Maca is a plant from the cruciferous family (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, etc. ).
Maca Image from

Maca has been used for centuries to help increase energy, balance hormones, help with menopause symptoms, improve sexual function, and reduce anxiety and depression.  If this is true, than this is a serious superfood for women!
Does this really work?  I turned to Authority Nutrition, an unbiased and independent website that provides articles about nutrition, weight loss and health based on scientific evidence.  In their article, “9 Benefits of Maca Root (and potential side effects)” , they concur that among other benefits, “Maca increases libido in men and women, may help relieve symptoms of menopause, reduces depression and anxiety, and may boost sports performance and energy”.
Where can you buy Maca?  If going to the Andes isn’t in your travel plans, you can find maca as a powder form or as a supplement.  I bought it at The Vitamin Shoppe,  but it is available at Amazon and at other retailers as well.
Flash forward to today – I am still in love with this smoothie!  It tastes so good.  I haven’t noticed any changes in my hormones just yet, but I’m also not sure if a week is enough time to truly tell a difference.  In any case, I highly recommend this smoothie for flavor alone.  To me, it tastes like a vanilla malt – but Wallflower Kitchen describes it as a “sweet cookie flavor”.  I think the final flavor will depend on the type of protein power you use, so use your favorite and you’ll be happy.
The benefits of the smoothie are that it’s high in protein,  low in sugar, vegan, gluten-free, and paleo.  You could even lessen the sugar by using 1 date rather than 2 if you really wanted to.
This morning I changed it up a bit and added avocado to this smoothie.  I felt it really made it smooth and still tasted like a malt.  Did I mention I love malts?
See the recipe and comments on Pinterest .

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One Response

  1. […] a superfood coffee alternative.  It’s made with Maca (you know the one in our favorite hormone balancing smoothie).  Check out the benefits of maca […]