Chocolate Coconut Cold Brew Iced Coffee Drink

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After a not-so-great night of sleep, this Coconut Cold Brew Iced Coffee Concentrate helped make the perfect pick-me-up, afternoon treat.
I’m more of a coffee purist in the mornings, but this afternoon, I went so far as to add a little splash of Hershey’s Syrup to add a little decadence to this already great combo.  The result – yum!  Caffeine, chocolate, coconut – all for 55 calories – I’m sold!
Lo-Cal Chocolate Coconut Iced Coffee:
  • 1 part Trader Joe’s Coconut Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate (The bottle has 4 servings)
  • 2 parts water (you can use milk if you don’t mind the extra 100 or so calories)
  • Tbsp of Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup
  • Add ice

Stir ingredients for a wonderful lo-cal drink!  This can also be served hot by skipping the ice and warming it in the microwave or on the stovetop.

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