A Skinny Grapefruit Cocktail – Jenga Juice

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On a recent trip to Columbus, my college girlfriends and I stopped in at Pins Mechanical Company.  In case you haven’t heard of Pins, think grown-up playground with Duckpin bowling, pinball, foosball and life-size Jenga games.  So fun!  While we put our name in for Duckpin bowling (which we never got to play because there were too many people in line before us), we sat down outside for some libations.  Their word, not mine 🙂
This is the Nearly All Things version of my favorite Pins’ drink – Jenga Juice. It’s flavorful, not very sweet, and low in calories – just the way we like it!
  • Fill a tall glass with ice
  • 1 – 2 oz Tequila (We at Nearly All Things say go for 2!)
  • Lime (squeeze 1 – 2 wedges of lime depending on your preference).
  • Dash of salt (or you can add lime salt and skip adding the lime wedge)
  • Fill remainder of glass with grapefruit soda  (Pellegrino or Spindrift are our favorites)
  • Grapefruit wedge for decoration (and added zest)

This is a great one to try for  the end of summer!  Let us know what you think!   Comment on WordPress or on our page at Facebook.  We love to hear from you 🙂

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