Just Added to My List of Favorite Books

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Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine is an amazing book about a quirky, young woman named Eleanor Oliphant, who constantly finds herself outcast due to her odd social behavior.  With a stable career and a decent living situation, Eleanor is completely content to go on existing on the outskirts of all social circles.  That is until unexpected circumstances arise which create new social opportunities and force her to look more closely at herself and her past that she can’t completely remember.
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine is a heart-warming book about pain, loneliness, truth, and hope.  A combination that is rarely found nor presented so well in a novel.  This is a must read and might even be a read-again.  But hurry, Reese Witherspoon’s company Hello Sunshine, not only picked it for their book club, but is also producing it as a movie (currently in development).  Read it first, then grab your girlfriends and go see it when it comes out.  I mean, how could Reese Witherspoon be wrong about a book?
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One Response

  1. Heather

    Loved this book!