A Great Brow Product to Make You Look Younger

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Do you draw on your brows or fill them in regularly?  If you are over 35 you should.  A study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology found that as we age, we have less contrast in our facial features, like our brows and our lips.   When researchers compared two pictures of the same woman, one with added contrast, 80% of the time the picture with more contrast was deemed the younger picture of the woman.
What does this mean for us? If you want to appear younger, add more contrast!  You can start with your brows.  As we age, our eyebrows thin out.  So, defining your brows is just one way you can appear younger.
Tattoo Studio
Maybelline Tattoo Studio

Here is a product I recommend that could make life a little easier for you!  Maybelline Tattoo Studio does last for days and was easy to apply!  Just make sure you get the right shade for you.  It’s ok to have a little darker brow.  Brows are what define our face, so go for it and enjoy this product!
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