Easy Summer Salad

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Easy Summer Salad
Here’s a delicious summer salad that is healthy and looks beautiful!  You’ll be amazed at how easy this can be:

Easy Summer Salad

Truth be told, I really don’t measure anything when I put this salad together.  I go by look and try to even out the ingredients so it looks great.  The measurements listed below are approximate and will vary on the size/shape of your bowl and your preferences.  Just add the dressing slowly.  Less is more here, but feel free to drown it if that is your preference 😉

  • 1/4 – 1/2 cup feta cheese (based on preference)
  • 1 cup blackberries
  • 1-2 cups cubed or balled honeydew
  • 1 small container of spring mix
  • 1/4 cup Garlic Expressions – more or less based on your preference.
[wpvideo K0Fqv1MX] Try this and let us know how it turns out!  We’d love to hear from you.

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