Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis is an inspirational book for women who are just “getting by” in the present or maybe even stuck in the quagmire of their past. Through her emotional and sometimes heart-wrenching experiences, Rachel Hollis offers a new perspective that will motivate you to get up, wash your face and move on to a more promising future that we all can have, and more importantly, we all deserve.
In her book, Hollis looks at the common lies we all tell ourselves – something else will make me happy, I’m not good enough, I’m not a good mom, I’ll start tomorrow, I should be further along by now, I am defined by my weight, I need a drink, I need a hero, and many more. With each chapter, she deconstructs the lie, offers her personal narrative and encouragement, and ends each chapter with “things that helped me…”
Girl, Wash Your Face reads like a conversation coming from one of your really good girlfriends…the kind you want with you at your lows and your highs. She’s witty, truthful about her own experiences, and most importantly, isn’t afraid to tell you to “cut the crap”. We all need a friend like this.

Overall, this is a great motivational read if you are feeling stuck or remorseful about past actions or events. As women, we are always so tough on ourselves. This book will make you realize how many lies we play over in our head and offer you a new path of thinking. This is a great book to remind you that we can hit the reset button because it’s never too late. A must read!
Buy it here.
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