Shop With Intention

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Tart Boutique
“Shop with Intention”.  That is the tagline that owner, Beth Hess of Tart Boutique in Rocky River, wanted placed on her new website.  “Shop with Intention” to her means truly thinking about your purchases.  Where do they come from? Who made them? How will your purchase impact the environment – will this be something you use or toss as we move into another season?
The philosophy of Shopping With Intention is inline with a growing movement of consumers focusing on shopping smaller, locally owned stores that help to keep money in the community where they live. “It’s about being mindful.”

Prior to owning Tart Boutique, Beth had been selling her originally designed, screen printed tea towels there. The previous store owners had primarily sold consignment items but they also sold a  small offering of local products.
“When I found out the store was for sale – on an impulse I bought it.  I knew nothing about consignment.  The previous owners had been really helpful.”

Now with some experience owning the store, Beth has decided to transition to less consignment at Tart Boutique. “Because I am an artist, I want to make more of my own things and have the store feel more like its mine.  The studio in the back where I can create actually sealed the whole deal to purchase the store.”
Owning a store in the same city Beth resides also has its advantages.  “It works well for my life and gives me the flexibility I need with kids growing up.  I do really like working in the city that I live in – a lot of people can’t say that.
Home Ohio Tea Towel
Tart Boutique is an eclectic boutique specializing in vintage and new housewares, furnishings, jewelry, candles, handmade body products and more. They also feature their own line of originally designed tea towels and apparel that are hand printed on site.
Tart Boutique tees
Beth is also offering workshops at Tart Boutique.   The first of many to come is called “Autumn Leaves and Pumpkins Please”  where attendees will join Maureen Koopman of @allspelledout to create wool-blend felt flowers to embellish the fall home décor piece pictured below.  For more information or to register click here by October 10th.

To find out more about Tart Boutique, visit the store on Lake Road in Rocky River, Ohio or visit her new online store* at and join the growing movement to shop with intention.
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*For full disclosure, Libby Young is the author of this article and also the owner of Fallz Media, LLC who created the new Tart Boutique website.


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