While turning 40 has so many positive aspects, one aspect that isn’t so great is the additional flab we ladies start finding under our arms and extending out of our armpits. Super sexy, I know. Or, maybe you don’t have the flab, but notice that your arms have lost definition. So, we asked Adam Ortega, owner of The Set Fitness in Chagrin Falls, “What’s a girl to do?”
There are many women that pose the question , why they are so called “flabby, “ loose” or gaining weight? I always ask the question, ‘Are you doing any weight training?’ And more times then not the answer is no .
One of the main reasons why women start to gain weight into their 40’s is because they are losing the lean muscle that once helped keep their daily calories burning.” – Adam Ortega, The Set Fitness.
So, if you aren’t including weights in your workout, that’s a great place to start. But, what if weight training is already part of your exercise regime, but the saggy arms persist? Are there specific exercises we could do to tone up those arms?
Since I’m often asked what’s the best exercises for certain areas; it’s key to remember there is no such thing as spot reduction. But, as we drop body fat and build/sustain lean muscle we reveal the chiseled and lean look we’re going for.
So, the reality is that if we want to tone up our arms, we need to work our whole body and as we lose fat and add muscle, we will get that lean, toned look. As Adam mentioned, one of the best ways to do this is through resistance-training. And if toned arms aren’t motivation enough, Adam provided us with a list of additional benefits of resistance training.
10 Benefits of Resistance Training for Women in their 40s:
- Lose body fat. Resistance training builds muscle, as lean muscle increases, so does metabolism.
- Gain strength without bulking.
- Decrease risk of osteoporosis.
- Reduce risk of injury.
- Burn more calories.
- Improve posture and reduce back pain.
- Reduce stress – Exercise helps to reduce stress hormones.
- Helps maintain healthy estrogen hormone levels.
- Improve mood. Our bodies release endorphins, feel-good hormones that boost your energy and mood.
- Increase self confidence.
Also, if you missed it – check out our article on the Seconds app which will create a timer for you, remind you which exercises are coming up next, and adds a little extra motivation to keep going.
- TRX tricep extension
- Band 1.5 curls
- Plank tricep extensions
- Band Squat Row
So, let’s lose the flab, get stronger and healthier, and feel better! Find yourself a great resistance training class like The Set Fitness to get you motivated or workout from home using your own TRX straps and resistance bands. Don’t have your own yet? We’ve provided links for you below. Click on the images to purchase.
For the band curls and band squat rows, we recommend using Black Mountain Resistance Bands. You can buy these through Amazon also. Click on image for details.
You don’t have to be! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or here on our blog. We believe that looking good, feeling good, and having fun is important at any age. Oh, and we promise not to use your email for anything other than our posts. And, if you like what you see/read – please share with your friends. We appreciate it!
Picture by Alex Mazzarello.