Activewear That’s White Hot!
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Lighten up people!  Lighten up your activewear and your attitude with all these fun pieces from Forever21.  

Exercise ADD? Here’s an App for You!
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Enjoy trying different classes or keeping it interesting by mixing it up throughout your week?  With the ClassPass app, you can take a more flexible approach to workout classes.  With one membership to Class Pass, you can access a ton … Read More

Not Drinking Enough Water? Try Hidrate.
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We all know we need to drink more water but most of us aren’t getting enough. The new Hidrate Spark 3.0 water bottle will glow to remind you when you need to drink more water and even tracks your water intake.  … Read More

5 Tips to Getting Back on Track After the Holidays
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If you have been overindulging in food and drink since the kids got out of school for winter break, then, like us, you are probably starting to think about returning to a healthier lifestyle. Below are our five tips for … Read More

Finding Balance at spyngaFlows
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“Balance” was the word that came to mind after leaving a Spynga® Yin class at spyngaFlows in Chagrin Falls last week.  Too often I find myself leaving a yoga class feeling like I could have expended more energy, or leaving a … Read More

Workout Pants that ROCK
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  These are just a few of the many cool workout pants by Noli Yoga.  I have a couple of pairs and plan to add more to my collection.  They are forward thinking with their color and styles and the … Read More

5 Moves to Tone Those Arms
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While turning 40 has so many positive aspects, one aspect that isn’t so great is the additional flab we ladies start finding under our arms and extending out of our armpits.  Super sexy, I know.   Or, maybe you don’t have … Read More

Alter’d Core
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Feel the burn!  That is what you’ll experience when you try an Alter’d Core class.  If you are up for a challenge and you want to actually feel the changes going on in your body, then this is the workout for … Read More

Run in Style with These Five Top Shoes
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Looking at my worn out heels, I know it’s time when I need a new pair of running shoes.   Most experts recommend replacing your running shoes every 300-400 miles.  Which means if you are averaging 9-10 miles a week, you … Read More

Get Your Kids Excited to Play Outside
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If there is one struggle that mom’s are sharing this summer, it is trying to pull their kids away from Fortnite.  If left to their own devices (see what I did there?), kids would stay inside for unlimited hours, sporting … Read More

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